Cora Structural was born out of the notion that a firm can deliver exceptional structural engineering services while also serving the greater good. And doing so with respect, humility and responsiveness. We take our work seriously and expect a lot of ourselves, but we also understand the value of balance and strive to bring that to every project.
Who We Are
We want to walk away from the ribbon cutting without regrets knowing that we listened to you, came to the table with ideas and were with you from the first conceptual sketch to the final shop drawing. And for all those pesky things that seem to linger long after that! We want you to want to work with us again.
Our ideas are steeped in the most current state-of-the-art of structural engineering and sustainability. We expect you to expect that from us. Why wouldn’t we? In addition to our wealth of structural engineering expertise and experience, we also bring to you our extensive contributions to the rapidly developing concept of embodied carbon tracking of structural systems evidenced by our founder serving as chair and co-founder of the national SE 2050 commitment program. We hope the days without embodied carbon assessments are soon behind us.
We have several decades of experience on a full range of projects from high rises and large facilities to the small and intricate. We can say without hesitation that we brought our passion and competence of structural engineering to all of them and, for the most recent experience, our subject matter expertise of embodied carbon. Through all of that experience and innovation we also understand the practicalities of projects and place a primary focus on delivering value, both time and money. Let’s not waste either.
Our goal is to be recognized as a trusted partner in the AEC industry, delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations and contribute to the advancement of our society.
Mission & Values
Though Cora delivers structural engineering and embodied carbon services, we consider ourselves to be in a relationship business. After all, each project is an experience with people. People with a variety of backgrounds, experiences, skill sets, at varying stages of their careers bringing personal interests, passions and day-to-day life challenges to each project all while trying to improve the built environment. No small feat.
We believe it’s in ours, yours, and the project’s best interest to not shy away from any of it in order to provide the most efficient, innovative and sustainable engineering solutions that meet the goals of our clients and positively impact our communities.
We strive to continuously improve our services through collaboration, sharing, and making contributions to the profession, while prioritizing economy, quality, and environmental responsibility.
Our Approach
We bring decades of big firm experience to a small, nimble company where you get our undivided attention from start to finish. Each project is personal to us.
It’s imperative that we listen to you from day one and provide you as many best-fit solutions from the start and then adapt with you as your design progresses. Considerations of cost, form, function, constructability, efficiency, aesthetics and sustainability must be included in the early discussions related to structural system decisions. If not now, when?
We expect that we’ve equipped you with the necessary understanding of the structural system to enable your best design solutions to be realized. We love the coordination process and bringing it all together starting with the big picture approach, to how we’ll get the thermal breaks to work, down to the most intricate façade details and everything in between.
One of our favorite days on a project is when the first column is stood up or placed which is the result of a lot of work by a lot of people. Construction administration, in our humble opinion, is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of our design services. It’s when, literally, all members of the design, construction and ownership teams are engaged together with tightened schedules and a heightened sense of urgency. This is where we thrive and our responsiveness excels.
We believe in:
- Asking questions
- Being proactive
- Responsiveness
- Collaboration
- Delivering
- Exceeding expectations

Michael Gryniuk
Michael (you can call him Mike) started Cora Structural after 22 years of professional experience in the industry working on some of the most complex projects in and around Boston. He is known for his ability to think creatively, design efficient structural systems with an innovative forward-thinking approach and to manage large teams. He is also a national leader in the field of structural embodied carbon evidenced by being a co-founder of SE 2050 and currently serving as its Chair. He is active on several local and national committees of both structural engineering and sustainability and frequently presents on each topic. Michael started Cora Structural out of the idea that a firm can provide exceptional structural services, develop strong client relationships, be responsive, while simultaneously serving the greater good.